Archive for 2015


Imagination is the main part of human's development. Of course everything starts with plans, actions, and opportunities that could become reality. Human capable of doing anything when they believe and nothing blocks them. Support from loved one and care of each other pretty much make someone comdortable of themself. When person reach that point no failures can bring them down. Sometimes or mostly we look up to something that we want, and feel that it is too high to reach, instead of looking our gifts that has given by God. Everyday is learning process, and our brain works biologically, means we have to rest to restore our energy and focus for next or remaining assignments. We will become more productive when human gets enough break time and also give private time for others because they are our rights to have enough me time.

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What to Expect When You're Expecting

Pregnancy is the most beautiful moment in woman's life.
Husband supports and try to make woman feel beautiful, relaxed, and not too demanding. Suddenly everything turns magically into flower field, even at the depressed mood. Everything seems perfect with very little expectation from others. In this world that have to do best and very demanding, and of course have to handle pressure everytime because of environment's respond to human errors, at pregnancy moment woman will get a time for totally happy & relaxed and the most important is to feel supported completely. That moment teach women to be grateful and accept herself completely because women will teach her child self acceptance too.

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Health Funds

Health is highest asset for human because with health person can do productive things with best result. Health funding can be got at insurance (by company or personal) or personal saving.
We cannot predict when or how someone can be sick or dealing with health problems. Someone just can anticipate healthy life by eating healthy food or exercising.
Stress problem can issues health problem too because it impacts on body's biochemical that can become health issues.
Health is more expensive than all material things because without health all of what we have is doesn't matter anymore. Dealing with health problem makes person unproductive and become more stress.

By working we can get better self confidence and self esteem that can become source of healthy pschological life. By communicating with people, working and finishing tasks can make fullfillment of career needs. But of course there will be time consumed and if we cannot manage time well, there will be family issues. Especially for woman at post labour time which baby will need 100 % time and attention for early education at golden age. But working is still essential when there are daily needs that have to be paid. Otherwise of course there will be many way out beside office working, by becoming freelancer or online seller. But it all cannot be as certain as usual working.

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Guardian of the Galaxy

People & Nature are fragments of universe, galaxy, a dot matrix particles of big bang gazillion time ago. As fragments, there will be cohesion between synced pole. Positive or Negative. There are natural and artificial fragments, that has already been there and something engineered by man or every living things gifted by common sense. Like all superheroes movies good vs bad, positive vs negative, stability vs greed, there will be negative pole for every positive, and vice verse. When the other negative pole attacks, there should be counter measure as offense action or defense action or we can call it guard. Person's guardian, it usually comes from themselves and people who are being allied. And not to forget galaxy's guardian that is not being far from instability from greed when person not guarding it.

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Mision Impossible

Every morning person wake up for a mission. It depends on what is their main objectives in life. Is it for their God, family, services, career, material things, leisure, or anything that they want acquire. Like all missions are tight related by plans. Combinations of possibilities that could be happened are part of brainstorming, and choose the best effort that can become best result. Mission can be possible or impossible, it depends on how person can adapt for change, communication and negotiation skill, or having high level of technical skill, they all could be acquire by years of experience. Mission will be more and more possible although it was complicated when someone has their ability for solving problems and of course having good personal and emotional skill, how handling stress, pressure, community, but the main thing is communication. When someone got experience of negotiation skill, and adaptation they can conquer anything happened. Again it can just be acquired by years of experience.

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The Holiday

Working is mandatory but as a human still need to improve their self by spending time with family and to rest all the burden optimally so we can have better productivity and motivation at work. 2 days/week recess can make a big impact for employee's productivity because they got more time to refresh their self from all the responsibilities that they have for a while so they can be ready to work again. With more time fully for improving ourselves we can have a better self acceptance, responsibility, confidence, and more motivation.

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Confession Of A Shopaholic

We should be thankful for web technology that can compress time to add revenue for our account. Before web era we have to promote door to door or having very great real 
networking so we can promote our products. Plus we should have marketing skill for marketing our products directly to consumer that costs more time, budget, effort, and products often not sold successfully to consumer. So distributor or seller need to open a store, a strategic location store to maximize omzet and revenue, but still it will require more budgeting so being a businessman at that time will require a lot of expenses but uncertain amount of income. Now in IT era, with the spread of internet technology on every palm of people through gadgets, every person can open the faucet of income through web promotion, less effort, time, and money, but have positive certainty for selling products.
It is just the matter of moving products from supplier to consumer but it can produce extra margin that can become our income. Now we can get everything at everytime without spending more expenses for transportation and etc, just at tips of our fingertips we can supply consumer's demands or asking our demands to supplier, selling and buying directly, through the ease of technology. 

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