Final Fantasy

Fantasy is an essential part of human mind that can become seeds of creativity and the beginning of reality.Every positive fantasy can become reality when we give all our faith and effort in realizing what we have planned.Because plans that be done little by little can have big impact on someones life. We should have a big rock of target that have more little rocks breakdown. So we can have motivation for finishing little tasks in order to reach the big goal. Every inventor starts from fantasy. They do research and done lots and lots of failure and learn from it for reaching their fantasy. Thomas Alva Edison didn't give up at the 1000th failures, and finally make it at the next experiment.It can be analogued as a gold digger that try to find gold. It must be found somewhere at gold mine.. It takes patience and persistence so we can reach our goal. Einstein said that what determines our success is effort, 1% talent 99% effort. And fantasy,imagination, and creativity is more than knowledge itself.

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