Like an operating system that has many software ini it, so does the country, world, what are the components of its each continent. What is the main vision that want to accomplish from every community, or company. There are many subjects that are completing one another. So does each person is analogued as a software that has many function in it. Of course with more complex and
sophisticated functions that is embedded there, the higher value they will have, and if there are more masterpiece portofolios that is created from it the more they have valued. Each person has its
own natural talent that if practiced regulary it can be their source of confidence boost and of course revenue. From Discovery Channel's Brain Game's message that if someone wants to excel at
something until become professional must have done more than 10.000 repetition so they can be an advanced person at something they learned. Usually it comes natural when we have found our talent
it can make us more and more fun to practice and learn it, so when it can be our daily hobby activity gradually we can be better someone at something that we learn. So back to the topic, we can see
someone like a website or a software. What are information that we can get from them, so usually the most updated person is always be someone trusted at the community or the company. More value
when they can give tutorial for some subject that others wants to excel.
If we look at website there are many components in it :
1. Programming Syntax Language
It is like a language that someone uses everyday. To make a good website it is all about appearance. If we can't make it good, at least make it look good (Bill Gates). But the main thing is about function.
What function that can be use from each website. It is analogued as someone's capabilities (web function) that can be useful to other.
2. Links
The more informaton about detailed subject that contained in links it can make a website that analogued as their teacher or their resources
3. Traffic
Traffic is how many visitors that comes to each website
4. Page Rank
What rank that a website has depends on its traffic. The higher its traffic the higher page rank a website can have or analogued as person's popularity
5.Page Loading Time
It's depend on the internet connection (environment) and coding structure (person's structured mindset)
6. Classes
Sequence of coding function that can be called that analogued as subjects that has been exceled by someone
7. Database
Raw Content of website that analogued as data information that has been memorized or documented and kept by someone
8. Content
Structured language that is the core of website that analogued as the conversation and information that has been published or told to others
9. Subscriber
Users that has bookmarked the website and needs regular updates that analogued as someone's friend
10. Subdomain
Branch of a domain that analogued as each person's personality

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80 % of your friends are sent home, they are good people and they have done good job, but you do better. Productivity, best quality are thin...
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- Brigita Hermien Asriyantie
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