Inventor is Cool

Inventor of this, inventor of that. Wow they just like so cool because they can write the history with their name. Inventor in old times like Wilbur and Wright, Thomas Alfa Edison, Alexander Graham Bell, and new era inventor, like Sergey Brin, Larry Page, Blake Ross, Mark Zuckerberg, all of them surely have one in common, in what i can get is they are a "geek" person in their own subjects.
They dedicate most of their time to learn about it, imagine, design a system and work at it so it can be a reality. They are passionate about what they do so they don’t get tired working subjects that they like. So if we want to be inventor first is imagination + knowledge so we can make it into reality. And usually inventor is laughed by everyone else that think that is difficult but the reality is they can make it into reality. And they who laugh at them just happen to use their inventions as well right?
What other people think is important but much more important about our vision that can be good for world and can make a best advantages for many people, so we can walk step by step to step into our imagination to become reality.

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