Lego of Life

Life is like a lego. Lego is just some blocks. But if we creative enough we can make a very beautiful shape that contains of parts of lego that we order. We imagine or design how we want that lego to be, and we act by moving our hand to make it into reality. Like life, we can build our life with fragments of design of thoughts and move what was in our thoughts into reality with action.

Sometimes we fail, but if we have plan B, we don’t get too upset because we have ready for worst case scenario and we still can move although we fail. Beside we can learn something from our failures. But sometimes people (like me too) too much spend their life for thinking but no action after that, plus don’t have plan B so what they think can’t be a reality and often get upset because can’t have what we wish for and doesn’t have backup planning to move on.

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