Mision Impossible

Every morning person wake up for a mission. It depends on what is their main objectives in life. Is it for their God, family, services, career, material things, leisure, or anything that they want acquire. Like all missions are tight related by plans. Combinations of possibilities that could be happened are part of brainstorming, and choose the best effort that can become best result. Mission can be possible or impossible, it depends on how person can adapt for change, communication and negotiation skill, or having high level of technical skill, they all could be acquire by years of experience. Mission will be more and more possible although it was complicated when someone has their ability for solving problems and of course having good personal and emotional skill, how handling stress, pressure, community, but the main thing is communication. When someone got experience of negotiation skill, and adaptation they can conquer anything happened. Again it can just be acquired by years of experience.

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