
Talking about bonding, connection it always about parts, are they interconnected one another or not. It is impossible to bond when each of them dont seem in one big picture. Lets say, in molecule needs to have matching atom substances so it can be bonded as molecule, function needs to have right condition and parameters so it can be run properly, easiest example is like pieces of puzzle that needs to have same vision that can be represented as the big picture that matching and completing one another, in form of mutual interest. One way to be completing one another is the same passion, interest, talent, that like  puzzle can be matched one another, it is always easier and more fun to talk about same interest that gives some kind of motivation, and what is  more exciting than flow of reason with motivation and fulfillment. Any friction might caused by difference of vision and way to connect. How can people stand each other having different set of puzzle pieces and dont have same vision, very difficult to connect, even many ways tried to synchronize.

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